How to add all in one social sharing box widget to Blogger Blog

Add all in one social sharing box widgetSocial widgets are very useful and important for a blog. It increases your followers, traffic and more. But if you add more and more social widgets to blog then it may increase your blog loading time. This is very bad impression for visitors. For that you have widget that have all Social sharing in it. So for that i code a widget that has all social following's in it .It also includes E-Mail subscription in it.
How to add all in one social sharing box widget to Blogger Blog

How to add all in one social sharing box widget to Blogger Blog

To add it in blog you have to follow below steps.
  • Go to Blogger.Login to account.
  • In DashBoard section Go to Layout>>Add a Gadget.
  • Add below code in it.
<div class="bloggerauthorityOldSocial">
  <li class="bloggerauthorityrss"><a href="
  <li class="bloggerauthoritymail"><a href="
username" >Email</a></li>
  <li class="bloggerauthoritytwitter"><a href="
  <li class="bloggerauthorityfacebook"><a href="
<div id="bloggerauthorityEmailsub">
 <form action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'
username', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" class="bloggerauthorityEmailform">
  <input type="hidden" value="
username" name="uri" />
  <input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" />
  <input type="text" onblur="if (this.value == &quot;&quot;) {this.value = &quot;Enter your email...&quot;;}" onfocus="if (this.value == &quot;Enter your email...&quot;) {this.value = &quot;&quot;}" value="Enter your email..." name="email" class="emailText" />
  <input type="submit" class="emailButton" value="SignUp" title='' />

  • Change the Highlighted words with your own one.
  • Save it.


So you have added this widget in to blog. Now you will be able to get more traffic and more followers.

Your Turn:

                  Now Share this post to your friends. Also if you have questions, feel free to Ask!!

Guest Post By Muhammad Nauman

My name is Muhammad Nauman. Actually I am an electronic engineer, But my point of interest is in Blogging, Web Designing and Android Development.I am running 2 blogs right now which are below.1) Blogger Authority2) Nomi King


Iftikhar Uddin

I am a Web Developer,Graphic Designer,Blogger Wizard,WordPress Samurai,Code Engineer,SEO Guru,Software Engineer and food hunter.

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  8. Thanx for the tutorial.

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